August 27, 2016 Taganka Children's Fund participated in the garden party dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, which took place atthe residence of British Ambassador . Together with young and older guests of the festival actors from the theater " Taganka Shed " and participants Workshop “From the bottom of the heart” spent time , enjoying the nice weather , playing , doing sweet boutonnieres , sang and played croquet . Thanks to all the guests of the event for their attention and support.
Мастер-классы Таганского детского фонда
Britain through the eyes of Russian artists. The new project of Taganka children`s fund and Dr.MoLi Consulting to the 100th Anniversary of the Russian-British Chamber of Commerce
Британия глазами русских художников
Inclusive Theatre "Taganka Shed " team runs master classes for children, who stay in the city during summer period - participants of the city summer program "Moscow holidays 2016."
Таганка Шед – «Нет каникулам!»
Inclusive Theatre " Taganka Shed " took part in the festivities for families with disabled children and young people with disabilities in Moscow , dedicated to the International Day of the Family, Сreative marathon " ROAD TO DREAM " May 15, 2016 in Tagansky park . Festival is organized by the Public Council of parents of disabled children and young people with disabilities of the Central Administrative District Department of Labour and Social Protection of Moscow City Population.
«Таганка Шед» в Творческом  марафоне   «ПУТЬ К МЕЧТЕ»
Taganka children’s fund expresses sincere thanks to all participants for making the 11th CHARITABLE BOWLING TOURNAMENT on May 12th 2016 such a great success! The tournament took place at Bi-Ba-Bo bowling club – our generous annual host since the very 1st event and its director Nikita Kozlov! Our special congratulations go to the winning team Mercury , a faithful participant and supporter of TCF for many years. Second prize -Work Service team supporting TCF for 7 years , and third prize –Dream team . We would also like to say a huge thank you to our great friend and organizer of the bowling tournament – Don Craig, without whom this annual event would not be possible!
11 Благотворительный турнир по боулингу в поддержку Таганского детского фонда
Taganka Children's Fund expresses heartly thanks to the Federation of KUDO of Russia, to the Dojo of the sensei Sinyutin, the Professional Club, equipment center of KUDOWEAR, personally to the President of KUDO of Russia R.M.Anashkin, instructors D.N.Sinyutin and K.A. Simankin for the extremely important and necessary project of Kudo - Strength and Kindness, for organisation of the adaptive physical culture trainings for children and adults with disabilities.
Благодарность Федерации КУДО России
The new “Taganka Shed” performance "Maslenitsa-Кomoyeditsa" is created based on Old Slavic myths and ceremonies. At the beginning of a story three modern teenagers accidental get to far times of our ancestors where they should win against the pagan goddess of winter and to remove a spell from the sun. During the traveling children understand that our modern Maslenitsa not simply entertainment and eating of pancakes, and the important tradition which passed to us from our ancestors.
Новый спектакль "Таганка Шед"
Таganka Children's Fund is pleased to invite to the 11th Charitable Bowling Tournament, which will take place on the 12th of Maу 2016, 18.00-22.00 in the coziest and most generous bowling club in Moscow - "Bi-Ba-Bo“ ( Karmanitskiy pereulok 9, metro Smolenskaya) . Terms of participation: teams of 4 players, if you don’t have a team we can offer you participation in a combined team. Donation: 3500 rubles per person Booking:, or +7 (495) 911 74 49 We look forward to see you ! The major sponsor of the tournament is Bowling club "Bi-Ba-Bo“.
11-ый ежегодный благотворительный турнир по боулингу
Project participants "Self-Help " were trained on a master - class "Union of candies" and are ready to offer the first production.
Букет из конфет
The team of the first 20 participants of the project "Self-help" has found it`s name: Workshop "From the bottom of the heart"
 Мастерская "Сердечно"
On Friday, 11th March the Marsh Insurance Brokers company organized the Shrovetide fair. At the festival were selling souvenirs made by mothers from Taganka children’s fund. These mothers taking part in our new project “Self-help”, where they are learning various crafts in the framework of a new charitable program. We sincerely thank the Marsh company for their support of our project!
      In 2016 "Taganka children's fund” launched the new project "Self-help" supported by  Caterpillar Foundation and CAF Russia. The beneficiaries participating in the project will gain crafts skills that will provide them with  part- time employment  to increase family income. The beneficiaries of the project are  mothers of disabled children, disabled youth and at risk families, who have no possibility to have full-time job.  
Помоги себе сам
On March 1, 2016 Taganka children's fund`s program director Sergey Borzov appeared on the Conference of the Central administrative district of the city of Moscow with the message on experience of interaction of socially oriented NGO in operation on increase of efficiency of work with families with children. The deputy head of Department of work and social protection of the population of the city of Moscow T.M. Barsukova, the head of department of social protection of the population of CAO of the city of Moscow T.E. Tikhonova, representatives of agencies of guardianship and the commissions on affairs of minors and protection of their rights presented at the meeting.
Социальный Аудит ЦАО
The comprehensive program of support for families in the difficult life situation "The Taganka family center" in 2013-2015 is supported by the Committee of public relations of the city of Moscow
Комплексная программа поддержки семей в трудной жизненной ситуации «Таганский семейный центр» 2015 год
January 14, 2016 at a meeting of the board of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow "Strategy of prevention work with children and families : models and technology " the program director of " Taganka Children's Fund " Sergey Borzov delivered a speech about NGO-state cooperation.
Стратегия профилактической работы с детьми и семьями: модели и технологии
The premiere of Inclusive theater "Taganka Shed" new performance "10 methods to shirk school" took place on December 24, 2015 in the House of children's creativity of "Dinaoda".
The program is financed by Committee of public relations of the city of Moscow.

«Таганка Шед» «10 способов прогулять школу»
We invite you to December 21, 2015 at 16 o'clock in the "Christmas Concert" pupils of the school № 1231. The concert will be held at the House of Children's Creativity "Dinaoda" at Filippovskiy per., 8, metro "Kropotkinskaya".
Inclusive Theatre " Taganka Shed " invites to the new performance " 10 Ways to be absent from school" on December 24 at 18 o'clock in " Dinaoda " - Filippovskiy Lane , Building 8 , metro " Kropotkinskaya " .

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