The Curiosity Group for children has grown so much that we are very pleased to announce that there will now be two sessions happening every Tuesday. We look forward to welcome children 4-5 y.o. into the second group. The curriculum will remain the same, including speech therapy, learn your numbers, environmental class, modelling, drawing and other elements to help children learn about the world we all live in. Please phone or email us to sign up for the class.
October 2018 is a month of presentations and discussions with colleagues in multiples regions of Russia. 8 October - Cherepovets. Healthy family for the child conference. 9 October - Ufa. Forum: Megalopolis. Childhood territory. 10 October - Moscow. DTSZN. 18 October - Kaliningrad, presenting alongside our partners - the Institute of social services and innovation. 26 October - Chelyabinsk. Seminar on social services provided by NGOs and training for the local teams.
The TCF Programme director Sergey Borzov has taken part in the seminar devoted to formation of the registry of the best practices for NGOs benefiting children. The seminar was organised by the Agency of strategic initiatives. Other participants of the seminar included well-known academics and other NGO representatives working to improve the life of children and Families.
Национальный регистр лучших практик в сфере профилактики семейного неблагополучия.
TCF is pleased to announce the new project which will allow us to support families with children in difficult life situations based on the individual approach to each situation. We are very pleased that the Department of labour and social protection of the city of Moscow has acknowledged our practice of working with families with children as some of the best in Moscow. We will now be working to pass on our experience and roll out training for relevant specialists in all administrative districts of Moscow throughout 2018-2019. Watch this space! We are really excited to be acknowledged on the city level!
Территория семьи - территория сотрудничества: новый партнерский проект.
Taganka children's fund has organised a photography exhibition: Taganka district. Photography through time. It is a well known saying that those who do not know their past, do not have a future. Residents of Taganka district have shared with us a huge number of amazing photographs depicting gone times in Taganka. Our heartfelt thanks go to all those, who have contributed to the exhibition. The exhibition is now officially open. We look forward to welcoming you there.
«Таганский район. Фотография сквозь время»
Taganka children's fund and the Detsky Mir children's supermarket chain are pleased to announce the 'Getting ready for school' campaign. If your family is struggling to get a child ready for school, please get in touch with us by emailing and we will invite you to the event that we will be organising soon.
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