Dear all, 2018 is a year of the dog (in Chinese calendar) and our Warmhearted workshop has prepared festive gifts for you - dog decorations for your Christmas trees. We have a variety of colours and breeds in stock, so you can buy one for your friends and family as they like it. Please call us to place an order. The Help yourselves projects is generously supported by CatFoundation and CAF Russia.
Новогодние собачки
On the 25th October TCF has run a seminar for the specialists of the social and psychological service of the school 518. A lot of questions have been asked and the ranking order of the issues to work on has been compiled. Number one remains on case work with the families, number two is communication skills and number three is inter-sector and inter-agency cooperation. Once again we have been reassured that it's more effective to work together as partners. We would like to especially thank the regional public organisation for support to children with autism sector disorder Contact. We look forward to continue working with you in the future.
Взаимодействие с коллегами из школы 518
On the 23rd of October our first interdisciplinary council took lace at the Science centre for mental health of children and young people. Specialists from Semya, Contact and TCF have taken part in this first meeting. This was the foundational meeting, it was important to understand the procedures, presentation of cases and development of recommendations for work. Director of the Science centre Bebchuk acted as a moderator. The monthly schedule has been developed for future events. The next meeting will also include our colleagues from partner schools. Now we can definitely say that we are one step closer to providing better support to children and young people with mental health issues.
Междисциплинарный консилиум
On the 10-11 October we ran the first seminar of the new programme. The seminar was co-organised by TCF, Contact and Semya - the unity in practice. We are pleased to say that the number of our partner organisations as well as participants at the events has grown in 2017 by 200%. This seminar featured participants from 6 Moscow-based schools and two other regions of Russia - all new to our programme. The seminar was focused on the issues of preventive work with families and how it is different from working with issues where children's rights have already been violated. What's to come: advisory support to all specialists, including seminars with examples of particularly difficult cases, consulting and informational support. The next seminar is planned for mid-November. More to follow.
Семинар 10-11 октября
Taganka children's fund is pleased to invite you to the Open Day on the 1st September from 4 ill 6pm at Marksistsky per. 3. You are welcome to try different activities, talk to the teachers, find out about schedule for classes and choose the ones which fit your interests best, let us know about the new ideas and most importantly have a fun and interesting time! We look forward to see you there!
Ждем вас в гости!
Taganka children's fund invites you to join our classes: 1. Early development classes for children of 4-6 years old. 2. Theatre workshop of Irina Denisova "On the wings of the swallow" 3. Arts for children between 5 and 16 years olf 4. Crafts and beadweaving for the children between 5 and 16 years old 5. Wood carving "Forgotten skills" for children from 13 years old 6. English language for beginners: 5-7 y.o. 7. English language for schoolchildren: 10-14 y.o. 8. School for joy with Ekaterina Avdotchenkova: 6+ y.o. 9. Playing together with mom: developing games for children 18 months-3 y.o. 10. Speech therapy classes 11. Inclusive theatre company Taganka Shed for children with and without disabilities from 6 to 18 y.o. 12. Family and parental club 13. Social rehabilitation group Rostochek for young people with disabilities 14. Warmhearted workshop: skills in producing souvenirs (4 classes once a week) 15. Celebrating your children's birthdays.
Приглашаем в Группы
On the 29th of August the programme director of Taganka children's fund Sergey Bodrov took part in the expert meeting Social Technologies for developing communities: from local practices to cross-country roll-out. There are a lot of innovative social techniques that unfortunately do not receive enough recognition and end their life-cycle wit the original project. The meeting focused on opportunities for overcoming such tendencies. Sergey Bodrov has presented the preventive techniques of work with disadvantaged families developed in cooperation with Tomsk state university.
Экспертная встреча
On the 28th August TCF took part in the Round table on preventing social disadvantage of families in the framework of the territory of cooperation series. Socially-oriented NGOs and state educational institutions took part in this Round table. The discussion focused on joint efforts in helping disadvantaged families with children and the formation of the portal with information on family problems. Both positive and negative sides of this idea were discussed at the meeting. The meeting concluded with identifying further steps for developing partnership of state and non-state social services providers. The next event is planned in the near future. This project is being funded by the subsidy from the Moscow government.
Круглый стол
The Round table will take place on the 28th August 2017 at Korovy val 3 bld 5. Agenda includes: -New techniques of tackling social disadvantage of families -Development of the national portal with information from a selection of organisations working with families in difficult life situation in order to create the specialist community, develop resources, support professionals in the social sphere and help create social elevators - Uniting resources of state and non-state providers of the social services
TCF invites children to the thatre studio of the actress Irina Denisova "On the wings of the swallow"/ Just like the little girl from the fairy tail by Anderson who found her happiness on the wings of the swallow, the studio will aim to teach children different styles of theatre. Children will learn working with text, light, music, and creating their own decorations, dolls and together will work on staging a Christmas play based on the Dostoevsky poem Angel. The classes will be taking place 4 times a month and will continue till Christmas. In the middle of the course there will be an exhibition of children's paintings for the play they are staging. We invite children from 7 till 12 years old.
На крыльях ласточки
Children from 18 month to 3 y.o. are invited to join our play studio. Parents will not only be trained in techniques of playing with children but also on building relationships and involving with them. The classes will take place twice a week at Marksistsky per. 3 The cost of the classes is 2,800 rub. a month. Please sign up by emailing or calling +7 (495) 9117449
Играем вместе с мамой
TCF invites children from 4 till 6 years old to the pre-school development classes. The classes will include speech therapy, learning letters and numbers, discovering the world around us, drawing and crafts. The classes will take place twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 till 12 at Marksistsky per. 3. The cost of the classes is 4,000 rub a month. Please sign up by emailing or calling +7 (495) 911 74 49
Дошкольная студия "Любознайка"
The Inclusive theatre company Taganka Shed invites children from 6 to 16 y.o. to join our cast! You will be able to develop your acting skills, develop speech, imagination, commnication skills, public speaking skills and have a lot of fun in a friendly atmosphere as part of a great team! These classes are open to children with and without disabilities. The classes take place twice a week at Marksistsky er 3. Please sign up for free by emailing or calling +7 (495) 9117449
Таганка Шед приглашает.
Dear Colleagues, Taganka children's fund finishes the first stage of developing theory foundation for preventive work with families in difficult life situations and invites you to join us in developing the second stage of the project: roll-out of the regional systems of monitoring for evaluation of results. This process includes development of the portal. We welcome applications of interest in participating in the second stage of the project. Please join us in the format that suits your capacity and needs. Support letters and references might be required. The first meeting with Moscow-based colleagues is planned in the mid-August. We look forward to hear from you soon!
During our regular meetings the parents of Taganka have emphasised that there are not enough activity workshops for teenage boys. Taganka children's fund is pleased to announce the new workshop of wood carving, which has been called Forgotten skills. The new workshop will launch on the 13th September. This is not only fun, this is also training for the profession. There are not so many professional wood carvers in the world. In the 21st century this profession has been called the rarest in the world by the Guinness book of records. If you would like to learn this rare skills and make beautiful things with your own hands, please join us from September onwards! The classes will take place twice a week at Marksistsky per. 3. The class leader is Alexey Khaustov. To sign up, please email before the 15th August or call +74959117449 after that date. We look forward to see you there! The project "Help yourself" is supported by CatFoundation and CAFRussia.
Студия резьбы по дереву "Забытые ремесла"
Children from Taganka children's fund attended the master-class of Zurab Tsereteli at the Gallery of Arts on 7th July 2017. The host has shared his time and skills with the children. After having a go at oil painting, our kids have left their precious works in the Gallery to dry in the hope to see them again soon once they are ready. The main advice of the master was to paint what the kids are dreaming of, what came to you during your sleep and what you feel like painting at this particular moment. At the end of the master-class each child has received a gift - the arts set.
В гостях у Зураба Церетели
Children, young people and of course their parents are cordially invited to join us on the 27th June at 11am to the Shkolnaya street for the celebrations of the Day of the Youth. You'll see performances, participate in master-classes, competitions and quizzes and later enjoy the sweet treats! It will be a great day out for the whole family! We look forward to see you there!
И снова праздник!
The charitable foundation for development of social, scientific and cultural projects in the name of the St. George the Victorious invites TCF children 10-14 y.o. to take part in the master-class of the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli on the 7th July at Academy of Arts. Our wonderful teacher of art Galina Zaitseva will accompany the children at the master-class. If you would like to watch the sculptor work and try your own skills, please phone to sign up (495)9117449. Parents are also welcome!
Мастер – класс  Зураба  Церетели
In the framework of the Territory of Unity: Together for a stronger family project, funded by the Committee of the public affairs of the city of Moscow, Taganka children's fund continues to actively develop cooperation with other socially oriented NGOs. Right now we are launching the new services for children and families in difficult life situations. This will allow more opportunities for recovery and rest, for more pleasant time and communications especially at the times when this is most important. Uniting resources of the partners allows to come up with new ideas and whole new activities' trends. Today we discussed the master-class with the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, soon over 20 families will be able to take part in it and to explore the Academy of Arts. Then there will be the school of young magicians, then something else... It's true that one head is good, but two heads are better.. We would like to thank our colleagues from the charitable foundations: Contact and E. Bagaradnikova, Georgievsky and O. Shelyakov, Step by Step and G. Romanovskaya, Equal opportunities and I. Osipova. Thank you!
Территория сплоченности
The Second All-Russian Forum of social innovations of the regions took place in Krasnogorsk on the 8th June 2017. The programme director of Taganka children's fund Sergey Borzov did a presentation on the new techniques in prevention of family disadvantage during the panel discussion on project management in the social sphere. He particularly focused on the experience of cooperation with the Tomsk state university on the project "The Territory of unity: together for strengthening the family", which is funded by the grant of the Committee of public relations of the city of Moscow. Suggested methods of cooperation between the socially-oriented NGOs and state institutions in the area of developing services for children and families at risk were positively received by the participants of the forum. Several participants have followed up with TCF after the forum and suggested discussing cooperation.
Второй Всероссийский Форум социальных инноваций регионов

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